Temporary Storage

Vikotank Storage Tank
The Vikotank is a self-supporting open top storage tank. It is available in either Neoprene or Polyurethane material. It is constructed with a collar to support the entry lip and to ease filling. Vikotanks can be supplied with an integral drainage valve, a tailored top cover, ground sheet/carrier bag, a central internal lifting ring and stainless steel top cover restraint rings. They are available in a range sizes up to 15m3. Vikotanks are typically used in oil recovery, fire fighting, pressure washing and general water storage situations.
Key features and benefits
- The Vikotank is easy to use as no framework or tools are required and the tank takes shape as it is filled.
- The Vikotanks can be used under hostile climatic conditions.
- During filling the fabric structure self-elevates and assumes a very stable configuration even in high winds.
- Vikotanks are lightweight and easily transportable.
Star Tank

Startank Storage Tank
The Startank is a temporary storage tank supported by an external tubular frame. It is available in either neoprene or polyurethane material. The frame is constructed from robust marine grade aluminium tubing, which joins together using quick connecting couplings.
The capacity of Startanks are up to 10m3.
StarTanks are typically used in oil recovery, oil/water separation, effluent containment, fire fighting, pressure washing and general water storage situations.
Key features and benefits
- The StarTank is easy to erect because of the simple framework with no tools required.
- Typical assembly time is less than 10 minutes.
- The Startank can be used under hostile climatic conditions.
- The Startank’s stable base offers excellent resistance to winds and adverse weather conditions.
- The Startank can be supplied with an optional discharge valve assembly to facility easy draining.
- The Startank is ideally suited for the temporary storage of large volumes of oil recovered during oil spill clean-up operations. Alternatively, it can be used for the permanent storage of water and other liquids.
Decontamination Tank

Decontamination Tank
The Vikoma Decontamination tank is an open-topped, compartmentalised tank. It consists of a base and inflatable tubes, which form the walls of the tank. It is also supplied with a neoprene ground sheet, disposable polythene liners and a polyurethane carry and storage bag. The tank is manufactured from neoprene fabric.
The decontamination tank is designed for cleaning oil spill response equipment such as booms, skimmers and ancillary equipment.
Key features and benefits
- The tank is highly transportable and can therefore be located at the spill site, thus ensuring that dirty equipment does not have to be transported.
- The neoprene fabric offers excellent abrasion resistance and longevity.
- The neoprene fabric allows for operation in a wide range of temperatures (-40oC to +90oC).
- The tank has eight handles for manoeuvrability and positioning.
Flexible Storage Tanks

Flexible Floating Storage Tank
The Vikoma flexible floating storage tanks are heavy-duty enclosed tanks.They are available in neoprene or polyurethane material.
The tanks have inflatable cuffs running along both top sides. Once inflated these provide buoyancy for the tank. Both ends of the tank are closed using aluminium connectors. This allows towing bridles to be easily attached and also enables access into the tank for cleaning. The tanks are supplied with two valves for filling and draining, tow bridle assembly, manual inflator and towing drogue.
The flexible floating storage tanks are available in a range of sizes up to 25m3.Key features and benefits
- The tanks can be towed at 10 knots when empty and 4 knots when full.
- Tanks can be used for on land temporary storage.
- Tanks are fitted with inlet/outlet valves.
- Tanks fitted with pressure relief safety valve.

FROST (Floating, Recovered, Oil, Storage, Tank)
The floating recovered oil storage tank is a towable floating oil/water storage tank with a hull shaped storage pocket. The hull is manufactured from neoprene coated fabric. The superstructure is composed of compartments with internal airtight conical bulkheads for increased integrity. The tank is boat shaped with raised bow and stern which increases stability when under tow.FROSTS are available in various size
FROSTS can be used to transport oil products in port and marine operations or for the intermediate storage/transportation of recovered oil. Alternatively, they can also be used for the transportation of all kinds of low-density products.
Key features and benefits
- The tank can be rapidly inflated on the deck of a vessel using low-pressure air inflators.
- A fitted cover is provided to prevent splash-over during towing, and to allow easy access for emptying and cleaning.
- The lifting points all adhere to LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998).
- The neoprene fabric allows for the use in a wide range of operating temperatures (-40C to 90C).
- The neoprene fabric offers excellent abrasion resistance and longevity.
- The tanks can be towed at 10 knots when empty and 4 knots when full.
- The independent inflation tube compartments ensure high integrity in the unlikely event of damage to any one compartment.
Weir Boom

Weir Boom
The Weir Boom is designed for mass oil recovery and oil well ‘blow-outs’, and can recover floating oils at up to 210m3 /hr.
The system consists of a 70m / 76m length of four tube boom, which is connected at one end to a further three hundred meters of two tube boom.
The four tube section includes an air tube, a water ballast tube, a buoyancy tube and a recovered oil discharge tube. The two tube section consists of just the air and the water ballast tubes.
The free end of the four tube boom is attached to a vessel and a second vessel tows the remaining 300 meters into a ‘J’ configuration. Oil is collected into the ‘J’ formation and recovered by the weir skimmers, which are built into the four tube section. The four tube section also houses the high capacity positive displacement vane pumps and discharge hoses to transport the recovered oil to the vessel.
Key features and benefits
- The ultimate, high capacity (180m3/hr or 210m3/hr), integral, advancing recovery system.
- A containerised design, offering ease of transport, deployment, recovery and storage.
- The system can sweep to a width over 120 meters and up to a speed of 2 knots.
- Constructed from strong, flexible neoprene, the boom can operate in all climates and has a very long service life, with high resistance to abrasion and an excellent resistance to chemicals and environmental damage.
- The system consists of a containerised (20 foot) package of a power pack, a stand-by power pack, a discharge pump, an inflation fan and the hose assembly and a reel, which houses the complete 370m/ 376m of boom, complete with in-built skimmers, transfer pumps and hose

Vikoflex Boom
The Vikoflex system is a light and flexible fence boom with built-in buoyancy that can be rapidly deployed without the need for any special ancillary equipment. It is designed for use in calm water environments such as rivers, intakes, harbours and near shore applications.
Vikoflex is manufactured from a high quality polymer and is coated with a compound of polyester, PVC and nitrile. This offers a boom that can operate in a wide range of environments and conditions and which is very easy to clean, maintain and repair
Key features and benefits
- Quick and easy deployment.
- No inflation required results in simple operation.
- The unique design and construction results in a high strength Vikoflex
- No vertical stitching ensures boom integrity under tensile load.
- The crate system requires no power to deploy or recover the boom.
- The crates are stackable thus saving floor space.

Sentinel Boom
Sentinel boom is a simple, high performance and versatile range of curtain booms. The boom is designed for use in rivers, terminals and even the demands of the offshore environment. It is available in a range of sizes dependent on the customer’s requirement.
Sentinel boom is available in neoprene or polyurethane material; both options are highly durable and resistant to UV and hydrocarbons.
- A comprehensive range of materials and sizes are available to meet all needs.
- Quick and easy deployment.
- Constructed with either vulcanised neoprene or RF welded polyurethane joints, which are stronger than cold glue alternatives .
- The high buoyancy to weight ratio gives excellent wave following capability and heave response.
- The large water plane area of the buoyancy chamber enables the boom to maintain a maximum freeboard at all times.
- The smooth, continuous boom profile inhibits the formation of vortices, thereby discouraging oil loss under the boom.
- The smooth profile and high buoyancy to weight ratio give exceptional wave following to ensure oil containment.
- The interface between the boom material and marine grade aluminium connector plate is achieved without puncturing the material, thus ensuring boom integrity.