Smart Fisherz

A smart phone App & a multi functional social upliftment start-up intiative for fishers, It is aimed at minimizing investment in marine equipment,augment safety of life & security at sea amongst small scale fishers A collection of powerfull tool to help in navigation, location, education & information, will change the way knowledge is used to conserve/ manage our fragile marine environment. A great tool to promote traceability and marketability through technology, enabling a "net to net" experience(Fishing net to Internet).
Key Features
- Personal and Boat Information data for Government Records
- MySmart GPS- Full function GPS more poweriul than most top brand GPS
- Preloaded Offline Maps and Online Maps for Navigation
- Data Sharing via email, whatsapp in GSM coverage area
- MOB- Man Over Board feature to track for SAR
- Home port-1 touch quick "go to home port" button when lost at sea
- Harbour entry and exit message/alert of Boat
- Geofence - border crossing alarms on phone & alert to monitoring centre
- Panic SOS alert function in GPRSarea
- Record, Photograph, Mark & send fish catch/ type caught info
- Compass, Inclinometer, Sounder*, AIS*, ECS, Tracking & more ...
- Weather info of home port & around vessel globally
- Potential Fishing Zone marked to help fishermen for better catch
- Real Time Tracking within the GSM Range, GPS logger built in
- Play back option available to track History of voyage & route taken
- Android/iOS APP for viewing Real Tracking available