SAILOR SART II is a 9 GHz X-band Radar transceiver designed for assisting rescue operations in accordance with IMO, GMDSS requirements.
Be seen, be safe
When a radar signal is received from a vessel or aircraft, SAILOR SART II automatically transmits a response signal, which clearly identifies the survival craft on the radar screen by means of a stream of 12 in-line dots.
Help rescue assets find you even in the worst of conditions. Once activated, SAILOR SART II will remain in standby mode for over 96 hours, ready to point your rescuers in exactly the right direction.
Feature packed
SAILOR SART II is waterproof to 10m and features an integral lanyard as well as audio and visual identification of operation.
It also offers ship or survival craft options with internal or external mounting and is maintenance free with a built-in test facility and a replaceable, 5 year battery pack.
Thousands of vessels sail everyday with SAILOR SART, EPIRB and communications equipment on board so when it comes to GMDSS compliance, you can trust SAILOR. SAILOR is a leading name in GMDSS equipment meaning you can be sure that SAILOR EPIRBs are built to operate faultlessly in the harsh professional maritime environment.