Eloratrack Node:
ELoratrack is a device, works on the base technology of LoRaWAN. Taking advantage of the Indian license free spectrum in the 865–867 Mhz band. This low cost low power-long Range & license free protocol combines high performance GNSS receiver and a Semtech Lora™ transceiver making this product ideal for outdoor tracking applications. With eLoRAtrack a wireless tracking system that reports to a elwan gateway located in the LOS around 4-15 Kms.

eLWAN Gateway
The eLwan is a LoRawan 8 channel industrial gateway with a local server specially designed for outdoor applications. It defines 8 different frequency handling capability in micro seconds. It receives all the eLoRATRACK location information and pushes it to a centralised network or a “private instance” server located near the vicinity of the operational area. If this server is connected to any IP network data can be sent and viewed from anywhere in the world.
Elwan gateway manages the information from eLoRAtrack nodes. It has the capability to handle & process any sort of information like location, sensor data and more , transfers the data to the server in real time. Server application could be of inbuilt or cloud based, to process and visualizes the gateway information.
Deployment is simple and easy. Elwan gateway operates in LOS with eLoRAtrack nodes with approximately 4-15 Kms coverage radius depending on the height of the antenna & propagation condition. Elwan gateway with build in server is an one stop solution for critical and data protective zones where information stays secret.
How it Works?
Eloratrack Node transmits the position information of the Asset over specific time interval to the ElWAN gateway. The ElWAN Gateway integrated with fixed line Internet / Satellite data terminal as backhaul updates the position information of the asset.

Eloratrack node transmits the information over LoRaWAN protocol which is safe and secure, can be only monitored & decoded by the registered ElWAN gateways.
The Control Centre application helps in gathering the real time information of assets and manages the operational executions. The application helps in various aspects for Governance and optimization of resources.
Security Aspects: The LoRaWAN protocol has 3 level validation mechanisms which uses specific key combinations generated by the gateway and loaded into the device kernel code. On each transmission, the device crosses over the 3 layer validation and delivers the data for representation.
Operational Life: The Eloratrack Nodes operates with battery which is dependent on the position intervals. The device battery long lasts for more than 5 days with 10 minutes reporting Interval.
- Outdoor Tracking
- Port Management
- Parameter sensing- Temp & humidity, Pressure, Wind Speed, Direction.
- Hazardous gas detection
- Pollution level monitoring
- Liquid quality & Level sensing Application
(No Network No Worries eLORA For Long Range Communication)
The Lorasat gateway is an 8 channel industrial gateway specially designed for outdoor applications defines 8 different frequency handling capability in micro seconds. It receives all the eLoRAtrack location information and pushes it to a centralised network by means of satellite backhaul.

Lorasat gateway manages the information from eLoRAtrack nodes. It has the capability to handle & process any sort of information like location, sensor data and more, transfers the data to the server in real time. Lorasat gateway processes the information and delivers the sensor values via satellite M2M backhaul to the cloud server. Server application could be of inbuilt or cloud based; to process and visualize the gateway information.
Deployment is simple and easy. Lorasat gateway with built in server is a one stop solution for critical and data protective zones where information stays secret.